Blueheath at the Bower

0421 888 115

The Social Network

The Big Vacation!

The Big Vacation replaces the Big Resignation for retirement village residents in Medowie

Whether they’re contemplating the Big Lap, a European river cruise or something a little more low-key, Australians are dusting off and even supersizing their travel plans now that they can rediscover the joy of travel. At Blueheath at The Bower, in Medowie, the village is abuzz with talk of favourite campsites, which airlines are offering the best deals and there’s a robust debate on the best way to pack for a longer trip. Renata Drabot, Blueheath resident, laughed “People talk about the Big Resignation – here at Blueheath it’s the Big Vacation! Everyone is planning their next holiday.”

Australians are seasoned travellers and after two years of lockdowns and border restrictions, Expedia’s 2022 Travel Trends Report found that 71% of Australians intend to make their next trip their best yet (dubbed the GOAT, Greatest of All Trips). According to the report, just over a third of Australians are looking forward to re-visiting a favourite destination while 31% of us will be making a bucket list trip. As the country that spawned the Grey Nomad, many of us dream of the day when we can explore our huge backyard at a more leisurely pace. Residents at Blueheath are planning road trips to Mount Isa, Mackay, Townsville, Broken Hill and even WA.

David Kelly, Village Manager at Blueheath, has observed the growing wanderlust in the village, “It’s great to see our residents finally able to realise some of their long-term travel plans and make a big road trip or visit family overseas. And of course, living at Blueheath, they know that we will take care of their home and garden while they are away.”

After all the rain and the never-ending lockdowns of 2021, it does seem the perfect time to chase some sunshine.

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